Free test
Collaborate, perform, survive, present, respect, inspire. At least 40 hours a week. None of that is nothing. Normally you just do it, hoppa. You also expect it from your colleagues and co-workers. Stop whining. Want to go on tonight? Sure, no problem! Check that presentation this weekend? I didn’t have anything planned anyway.
And then you suddenly stop talking about it
You start scolding someone (sometimes you just manage to do it in private), or even more impressive: a crying fit. You sleep less well. Headache. Nothing for you. Then it’s high time to call yourself to order, or your body will do it for you. Before it gets to that point:
Ask for the free stress and burnout test now!
Do you suddenly find yourself dreading a presentation that you would otherwise do in your slippers? Have you become allergic to a colleague or client? Are you very insecure out of the blue? Are you forgetting appointments? Then take the stress and burnout test right away. If you email us at we will send it to you. You usually get the results back the same day. If it’s a day later: no stress, we’re just really busy.