The Enneagram is a timeless personality test that Sterke Leiders’ coaches frequently use as the kickoff to a coaching program. It gives many insights and speeds up the introduction. The Enneagram distinguishes 9 different types. With this detailed test, we will find out which types are dominant in you. There are always more than one. Each type has unique characteristics, patterns, and its own growth path. You will receive your own unique ‘pin code’.
You get to know yourself better when you study the test results. This not only gives perspective, but also shows you where you can grow. In addition, it provides tools for better cooperation with someone who has a different pin code, a colleague, a friend, your partner.
If you want to learn more about the Enneagram just reach out for an appointment with one of our coaches.
The 9 types
Below is a brief description of each type. The types that score highest we call your pin code. If you want to know what your drives, core qualities, pitfalls and challenges are, book an (online) session with one of us. You will then receive your complete Enneagram results, a number of eye-openers and above all tips that you can use immediately.
Type 1 – The perfectionist
Strives for perfection in a world that unfortunately is never perfect. Can be quick to anger, but suppresses it. Type 1 has high standards and values and does everything possible to avoid mistakes. Irritates at reckless and inappropriate behavior.
Type 2 – The giver
Is always looking out for the interests of others, hoping to be respected as a result. Often type 2 forgets to take care of himself. Has difficulty receiving as long as type 2 does not feel he has truly earned it.
Type 3 – The winner
Seeks love and recognition in achievement. Type 3 is competitive and efficient. Winning and applause is important. Compliments are perhaps the most important source of energy. Avoids uncertain projects because you may lose them.
Type 4 – The individualist
Experiences incompleteness and dislikes superficiality. Type 4 seeks depth and feels both sad (misunderstood) and superior. Desires ardently for connection but feels misunderstood and even lonely.
Type 5 – The observer
Wants to understand it all, observes carefully and eventually uses all knowledge gained as a weapon. Usually puts reason before emotion. And values independence. Avoids social interaction because type 5 risks coming across as pushy.
Type 6 – The loyalist
Has loyalty and loyalty as a basic attitude. Fears uncertainty, is always alert to danger, and doubts himself permanently. Type 6 has difficulty with open-mindedness, trust and relaxation. Type 6 also does not like surprises very much.
Type 7 – The optimist
Lives the fun and avoids the pain. Is almost always optimistic and makes sure there are other (fun) options. Connects easily but depth is a challenge. Type 7 can get bored easily and enjoys new ideas.
Type 8 – The leader
Sees the world as an arena in which there is constant competition. Protects his family members and teammates. Dislikes victimization. Type 8 likes people with backbone. Is firm, direct and even confrontational.
Type 9 – The mediator
Always seeks harmony and therefore can forget self-interests. If type 9 already knows them. Type 9 prefers to avoid confrontations. Almost never gets angry, but when Type 9 does, you better get out of the way.