
Because of our holistic approach, Sterke Leiders can also be of help with burnout prevention and burnout treatment.
01 Burn-out prevention
‘I have a colleague to whom I have severe allergic reactions.’
‘My manager is unreasonable, fickle or antisocial. How do I deal with that?’
‘I have a fear of presentations.’
‘It all has to be perfect, I’m going crazy with myself.’
‘I should say “no” much more often.’
‘Nothing is ever really talked out here.’
‘I keep wondering what someone else thinks.’
‘I make scenarios all day long and they never end up being right.’
‘There is a culture of judgment here that I sometimes participate in.’
Working together, surviving, presenting, respecting and being respected. All without stress. We teach you, or your entire team, techniques on how to grow rather than shrink. We practice and mirror in a series of sessions. We form tight teams with strong players.
02 Burn-out reduction
‘From one day to the next, I couldn’t do anything. Paralyzed.’
‘I cried like a baby. I didn’t even know how to anymore.’
‘I have regular panic attacks. Those are really scary’.
‘The fear of fear completely dominates me now.’
‘I don’t want all this, I want out.’
Having the right counselors around you now is crucial. We have developed a holistic approach. An approach that understands that the mind and body can’t do anything without each other. We won’t let you off the hook for a day in the beginning. And we are almost always available to you. We’re going to counterattack together. It will be a battle that you will absolutely win.
03 Burn-out, never again
‘I should start acting normal again soon, you know.’
‘Most of the time I’m too strict with myself.’
‘I miss my friends, uncomplicated fun, they’ve forgotten me a bit.’
‘Out of nowhere suddenly a crying fit. Or a tantrum, I’m embarrassed to death.’
‘My relationship has suffered considerably from my burn-out.’
‘We got much closer to each other, but it was one-way traffic.’
‘My partner was always there for me and now I want to be there for her/him. And I can’t manage that yet.’
-There is a chance of a relapse, and when that happens it puts you even further back than where you came from. If a burn-out is properly dealt with, it is like a broken leg: if that fracture is properly repaired, it becomes the strongest point of your leg. We help you put your burn-out behind you for good. You will become stronger than you have ever been.
Let's test!
We first start with a test to determine if you really do have burnout. Maybe you are overworked and we can help you recover quickly. Or, and this is really annoying, you may be depressed. Then we will refer you to a psychologist; after all, we are coaches (and not psychologists).